Thursday, March 31, 2011


Finally I have finished cutting a little trailer sample of the short. I have taken a long time in finishing this movie, partly because of huge technical issues (I must say they seem to follow me whereever I go) and also because I just wanted to remove myself from it so I can come back with a different perspective. A lot of people are waiting for a cut in anticipation and frankly this film has come to be an albatros around my neck.....but there is a film and I believe in it whole-heatedly so I must put it out there so that I can move on to another project that's been in gestation for a while. Its been an incredible journey with Restless and I also cannot wait to see the finished product, which will hopefully be sometime next month. In the meantime, enjoy the trailer. (That's to those who follow this blog :-) Till next time.

Please can you follow this link which will lead you directly to the trailer.!/video/video.php?v=10150199818213243&subj=644333242